When will we be required to have this information reported within the iNOW?
Entries, updates, and corrections to the data may be made until the graduation cohort closes. This does not mean students may continue to earn these indicators after graduation, only that the data may be updated for that period.


Will the new portal pull from iNow?
Military enlistment, college credit attainment, and career tech credentials are pulled nightly as part of the accumulator process. It may take up to 48 hours for updates to be reflected in the dashboard.


Does a student have to meet one of the College and Career Readiness criteria in order to graduate?


Who will have access to the portal?
Access is determined and managed by the LEA. In order for a person to have access, they must have the appropriate CCR role assigned to their profile in the Education Directory. Some examples of individuals for whom it would be appropriate to grant access include: Superintendent, Principals, CTE Director, Testing Coordinator, and Guidance Counselors.


Will any of the indicators be weighted more than others?
No. All College and Career Readiness Indicators are weighted equally.


Does the school or LEA receive bonus credit for students meeting more than one indicator?
No. While the ALSDE encourages LEAs to strive for students to meet as many indicators as possible, there is no additional weight for students who meet multiple indicators.


Does every child have to meet every indicator to be counted as College and Career Ready?
No. A child who meets any one of the indicators will be considered College and Career Ready.


Does the College and Career Ready Portal communicate with INOW?
Yes. Beginning in 2018, all CCR credentials are to be updated in INOW by the LEA. The credentials are pulled directly from INOW in the nightly accumulator process. This is a one way link. No data is updated directly in the CCR portal.


Is training available for my LEA staff about how to update this information in INOW?
Yes, training is available by request from the ALSDE.


Will there be any changes in how high school cohorts are defined for College and Career Readiness?
No, this will be the same as in the Graduation Portal.


Are the College and Career Readiness indicators going to determine what grade a system will receive (A, B, C, D, F, etc.) in the A-F Report Card?
The College and Career Readiness Rate will be a portion of the overall grade in the accountability model.


In calculating the CCR percentages, do you use the total enrollment number in the cohort or the number graduating in the cohort?
The College and Career Readiness rate is calculated using the total enrollment number in the cohort.


What is the ideal percentage for CCR?
The goal is for 100% of graduates to be College and Career Ready.


What year will be used for baseline data?


When will data be pulled from iNow?
Data is pulled nightly from INOW. However, updates to the CCR Portal will stop once the Graduation Portal closes.