Textbook Adoption and Procurement

Textbook by Subject – Arts Education



State Adopted Textbooks and Accompanying Materials 2018-2019 Art Education (Grades K-12)

Textbook by Subject – Career and Technical Education



This information contains the State Board Approved/Rejected Career and Technical Education Textbook Materials for the clusters Cosmetology and Barbering, Education and Training, and Hospitality and Tourism. This material was approved/rejected by the State Board at the December 14, 2023  State Board Meeting.

The Career and Technical Education Textbook Materials List Covers Materials Submitted by Publishers to be Reviewed by the State Textbook Committee in the clusters Cosmetology and Barbering, Education and Training, and Hospitality and Tourism. This material has not been recommended for State Board approval or rejection. This material is currently being reviewed by the state textbook committee. This material is tentatively scheduled for adoption or rejection by the State Board at the December 14, 2023, State Board Meeting. Please check the website after that date for adopted or rejected material.

This information contains the State Board Approved/Rejected Textbooks & Supplemental Materials for Architecture and Construction, Information Technology, and Distribution and Logistics.

This information contains the State Board approved list of 2022-2023 CTE comprehensive/supplemental materials with prices. (Architecture and Construction, Information Technology, and Transportation, Distribution & Logistics)

The Career and Technical Education Textbook Materials List Covers Materials Submitted by Publishers to be Reviewed by the State Textbook Committee. This material has not been recommended for State State Board approval or rejection. This material is currently being reviewed by the state textbook committee. This material is tentatively scheduled for adoption or rejection by the State Board at the December 8, 2022, State Board Meeting. Please check the website after that date for adopted or rejected material.

This information contains the State Board approved list of 2021-2022 CTE comprehensive materials with prices. (BMA, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, Work-based Learning)

This information contains the State Board approved list of 2021-2022 CTE supplemental materials with prices. (eDynamic was the only supplemental material)

SBOE Approved Rejected CTE Textbooks and Instructional Materials 2022

2021-22 State Textbook Committee Rubric Used in Reviewing CTE Clusters BMA, Finance, Manufacturing, Marketing, & Work-based Learning

Covers Course of Study Standards for BMA Courses 2021-22

Covers Course of Study Standards for Finance Courses 2021-22

Covers Course of Study Standards for Manufacturing Courses 2021-22

Covers Course of Study Standards for Marketing Courses 2021-22

Covers Course of Study Standards for Work-based Learning Courses 2021-22

Career and Technical Education Textbooks and Supplemental Materials List Submitted by Publishers 2021-2022 covers materials submitted by publishers to be reviewed by the state textbook committee.

The Career and Technical Education Textbook Materials List Covers Materials Submitted by Publishers to be Reviewed by the State Textbook Committee

This information contains materials approved and/or rejected by the State Board

State Adopted Textbooks for Career and Technical Education (CTE) 2010-2016 including CTE Comprehensive and CTE Supplementary (Grades 6-12)

Textbook by Subject – Digital Literacy and Computer Science



State Adopted Textbooks and Accompanying Materials 2018-2019 Computer Science

Textbook by Subject – English Language Arts



SBOE English Language Arts (K-3) Textbooks and Supplemental Materials Review 2022-2023 Board Approved March 9. 2023

The English Language Arts (K-3) Textbooks and Supplemental Materials  List Covers Materials Submitted by Publishers to be Reviewed by the State Textbook Committee. This material has not been recommended for State Board approval or rejection. This material is currently being reviewed by the state textbook committee. This material is tentatively scheduled for adoption or rejection by the State Board at the March 9, 2023, State Board Meeting. Please check the website after that date for adopted or rejected material.

SBOE English Language Arts Textbooks and Supplemental Materials Review 2021-2022 February 10, 2022 Board Approved with addendums April 14, 2022

This information contains the State Board approved list of 2021-2022 grades 4-12 ELA comprehensive materials with prices.

This information contains the State Board approved list of 2021-2022 ELA supplemental materials with prices.

SBOE English Language Arts Textbooks and Supplemental Materials Review 2021-2022 Board Approved February 10th

English and Language Arts Textbooks and Supplemental Materials List Submitted by Publishers 2021-2022 covers materials submitted by publishers to be reviewed by the state textbook committee.

2021-22 State Textbook Committee Rubric Used in Reviewing English Language Arts Material K-12

Covers ELA Course of Study Standards for Grades K-2

Covers ELA Course of Study Standards for Grades 3-5

Covers ELA Course of Study Standards for Grades 6-8

Covers ELA Course of Study Standards for Grades 9-12

Textbook by Subject – Health Education / Physical Education



This information contains the 2019 – 2020 State Board approved list of comprehensive Health Education Materials grades 6-12 with prices.

Textbook by Subject – Mathematics



This information contains the State Board Approved list of comprehensive materials with prices. (Grades K-12)

This information contains the state textbook committee’s rankings and comments for materials approved by the State Board. (Grades K-12)

This information contains the State Board Approved list of supplemental materials with prices. (Grades K-12)

Textbook by Subject – Science



2015-2016 Adopted Science Textbooks (Grades K-12)

State Adopted Textbooks for Health Education and Physical Education-Comprehensive 2010-2016 (Grades K-12)

Textbook by Subject – Social Studies



Recommendations for State Adopted and Rejected Social Studies Textbooks (Grades K-12)

Textbook by Subject – World Languages



2017-2018 State Adopted World Languages (Grades K-12)

Textbook Reviews



This document is a compilation of completed ELA Review Forms (Grades K-12)

2018-2019 Computer Science State Textbook Review Results (Grades 6-12)

This list contains reviews of the adopted 2015-2016 Science textbooks (Grades K-2)

This list contains reviews of the adopted 2015-2016 Science textbooks (Grades 3-5)

This list contains reviews of the adopted 2015-2016 Science textbooks for (Grades 6-8)

This list contains reviews of the adopted 2015-2016 Science textbooks for (Grades 9-12)

Adoption Process – Forms



This information contains all the forms needed to finalize the state textbook adoption process.

The State Textbook Law allows local school systems to select textbooks/materials that are not on the state-adopted list. This form outlines the procedures for that process.

LEAs are to list textbooks that they locally approved that were not on the state adopted list.

Oath of office form to be used for local committees.

Statement of Publisher Submitting Books for Adoption

Statement of Publisher Submitting Electronic Media for Adoption

This form is to be used to list textbooks adopted from the state adopted list

Request LEA Textbook Samples

Adoption Process – Legal Documents



To view Alabama’s Textbook law: Click on Title 16, click Chapter 36, then Section 16-36-62.

Adoption Process – Procedures



Current Library Sites for Public Review of Textbooks

This document contains guidelines for disposal of textbooks for LEAs.

Adoption Process – Schedule



Current revised Course of Study Standards and Textbook Adoption Cycle (Updated May 2022)

Current revised Course of Study and Textbook Adoption and Implementation

Adoption Process – English Language Arts Forms



Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade K ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 1 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 2 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 3 standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 4 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 5 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 6 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 7 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 8 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 9 ELA standards.

ELA Textbook Review Form – ELA Grade 10

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 11 ELA standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 12 ELA standards.

Cover for textbook review process – Kindergarten

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 2

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 4

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 5

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 6

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 7

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 9

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 10

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 11

Cover for textbook review process – Grade 12

ELA General Considerations for ELA Textbooks

Adoption Process – Mathematics Forms



2020-2021 Alabama Mathematics Textbook Alignment Tool

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade K

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 1

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 2

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 3

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 4

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 5

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 6

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 7

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 7 Accelerated Content Standards

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 8

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade 8 Accelerated Content Standards

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade Algebra I with Probability

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade Algebra II with Statistics

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade Precalculus

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade Application for Finite Mathematics

2020 Mathematics Textbook Review Form – Grade Mathematical Modeling

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Kindergarten standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 1 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 2 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 3 Standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 4 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 5 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 6 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 7 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematics Grade 8 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Algebraic Connections standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Algebra 1 standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Geometry standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Algebra II standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Mathematical Investigations

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Analytical Mathematics standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Algebra II with Trigonometry standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Precalculus standards

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Discrete Mathematics standards

Adoption Process – Science Forms



Adoption Process – Social Studies Forms



Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Kindergarten Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 1 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 2 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 3 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 4 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 5 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 6 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 7 Social Civics standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 7 Geography standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 8 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 9 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 10 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 11 Social Studies standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 12 Economics standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Grade 12 Government standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Psychology standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Human Geography standards.

Template for reviewing textbooks for alignment to Sociology standards.

Publisher’s – Documents



This information contains the textbook memo and forms to participate in the 2022 – 2023 Alabama State Bid Process for English Language Arts K-3.

Excel Spread sheet for publishers to list comprehensive and supplemental materials bid in Alabama’s State Bid Process.

This information contains the textbook memo and forms to participate in the 2022 – 2023 Alabama State Bid Process for CTE clusters Architecture and Construction, Information Technology and Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics.

This rubric was designed to be used as a tool to evaluate high-quality English Language Arts Instructional Material.

Timeline for Selecting ELA and CTE High-Quality Instructional Materials.

This packet contains the textbook memo and forms to participate in the Alabama State Bid Process.

Publisher’s – Forms



Bid Deposit Form 2019-2020 Adoption of Textbook

Letter of Intent to Bid 2019-2020 Bid

Registration of Publishers FORM T-1 2019-2020

Cover Sheet – Bid Form 2019-2020

Statement of Ancillary Materials Provided

Form B Statement of Publisher Submitting Books for Adoption

Form M Statement of Publisher Submitting Electronic Media for Adoption